Ladies and Gentlemen Taking Care of Ladies and Gentlemen
Above the door of any serving area in a Ritz Carlton hotel is a sign that reads, ‘Ladies and gentlemen taking care of ladies and gentlemen. ‘This phrase has always served as a dignified and courteous reminder at Benchmark, as it highlights just how far our personal presentation and interactions with others can go. COVID-19 has brought forward a ‘new normal’ in which ZOOM meetings and Skype calls are now our makeshift professional home.
While the quality of your work matters, the conduct and image each of us projects personally and professionally are equally significant. To put it simply, people like to work with other people who are clean, collected, well-mannered, and polite.
COVID-19 has brought forward a ‘new normal’ in which ZOOM meetings and Skype calls are now our makeshift professional home. While this is an adjustment (to put it lightly), this may be our professional reality for the foreseeable future; furthermore, these virtual office spaces be our only opportunity to make an excellent first impression. To prevent the undoing of many days of meticulous upkeep, it’s vital to be consistently courtly, polite, and aware of others during this uncertain time.
So, back to that sign on the Ritz Carlton door, if you can carry yourself like a lady or gentleman in any work-related context, the chances are that you are well on your way to being the sort of worker employers value and coworkers want to be around.
As we all know – in the wine and spirits industry, we are not only called to deliver our expertise but represent the best version of our personal brand both on and off the stage.
Through The Grapevine

- Dawn Bardessono, co-founded Benchmark Consulting in 1995, aspiring to combine her passion for the wine business with her expertise in attracting high-quality talent. Dawn oversees and takes the lead on all senior-level searches at Benchmark Consulting, utilizing her prior wine experience in the business and keen understanding of clients' needs to create lasting relationships
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